(chronological, top-down recent to earliest)
4/22/12: Updated wiki with enumerative bib, also updated references page with more "to read" items. Worked on analytical bib focusing on pre-1966 publishing history. Note: need to revise introduction to ennum bib with corrected information.
4/20/12: Did research to track down Brancart; best info was second hand from Rachild & French Women's Authorship by Hawthorne (2001), as Brancart published a couple of Rachild's books.
4/18/12: via Booklegger & Smuthounds by Gertzman (2001), noted that MSL was included in the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice's ledger notes for the seizure made in April, 1934. The NYSSV's archives are at the National Archives in D.C., would have to visit there to verify first-hand. Trustworthy source, though.
4/13/12: researched NYT (via ProQuest), 1930-1939, search term "new york suppression of vice"; 480 hits; 2 possible leads (saved to Files page) regarding a massive book seizure by the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice in 1934.